Monday, January 9, 2012

Chromium / Chrome proxy configuration in Ubuntu 11.10

Let me get to the 'meta' content of the post after I finish with the chromium proxy configuration thing which took so much time for me to figure out.

Gnome 3 and Unity have been such a big fuck-ups (IMO) that I couldn't help ditching them both and found solace in Xfce which has a minimal but clean, fast interface which does not get in your way. But all was not well. Chromium reported that it can't access the system proxy configuration, so I had to look out for a way to set that up manually. Ultimately the following simple solution worked for me.

We need to supply the proxy server, bypass list etc. as environment variables to chromium. I tried setting them up in .bashrc, but I learnt that Chromium browser launched from a desktop icon would not have access to these variables. After trying various work arounds mentioned on forums I found out that the simplest solution to the problem is to edit a line in the file '/usr/share/applications/chromium-browser.desktop'. Go to the line containing 'Exec=' and change it to look like the following line:

Exec=/usr/bin/env http_proxy="" no_proxy="localhost,," /usr/bin/chromium-browser

In the given example, replace the proxy server and bypass list with your own values. IITB users can copy paste the line straight away :)
Now about the meta part - so much has happened in the past few years that drastically changed my own perception of self that my ability to deconstruct my thoughts has taken a considerable hit. I am no longer as confident about the methods, assumptions I used to employ to analyze my observations and far less sure about the conclusions I reach. Needless to say, this certainly has not done any good to the already meager levels of motivation I have when I undertake some creative effort such as writing.

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